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BMW 5-Series E12 (1975-1981) Axles, Bearings & Differential - Wheel Seals
Wheel Seals
The grease held in by the seals is needed to keep the hubs lubricated and cool. Don't have it flying all over the place, keep it where it's needed by using new seals every time.

$ 6.00

- 528i Sedan (1979-81)
- 530i Sedan (1975-78)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 15.91

$ 14.75

- 528i Sedan (1979-81)
- 530i Sedan (1975-78)

(2 per car, sold individually)

Additional products related to Axles, Bearings & Differential for your BMW 5-Series E12 (1975-1981) :