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BMW 8-Series E31 (1991-1997) Bumpers, Doors, Latches & Lids - Trunk Lids
Trunk Lids
Dropped too many things on your trunk over the years and thinking about replacing it? Pelican has new trunk lids but are WILL CALL only.

$ 0.88

$ 0.77

- 840Ci and 850Ci Coupe (1993-97)
- 850CSi Coupe (1995)
- 850i Coupe (1991-92)

Note: Yellow zinc finish.

$ 5.68

$ 5.38

- 840Ci and 850Ci Coupe (1993-97)
- 850CSi Coupe (1994-97)
- 850i Coupe (1991-92)

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