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BMW 3-Series E36 (1992-1999) Bumpers, Doors, Latches & Lids - Trunk Shocks
Trunk Shocks
Don't let your trunk fall on your hand or head. Trunk lifts help support the weight of the trunk during opening and closing. They also assist in keeping the trunk up when open. If your trunk seems like it is getting heavier when opening it may be time to replace your lifts.

$ 16.75

$ 15.23

318i Sedan (1992-98) | 318is Coupe (1992-97)
325i Sedan (1992-95) | 325is Coupe (1992-95)
328i Sedan (1996-98) | 328is Coupe (1996-99)
M3 (1997-99) | M3 Coupe (1995-96)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 11.50

318i Sedan (1992-98) | 318is Coupe (1992-97)
325i Sedan (1992-95) | 325is Coupe (1992-95)
328i Sedan (1996-98) | 328is Coupe (1996-99)
M3 (1997-99) | M3 Coupe (1995-96)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 75.07

$ 59.77

318i Sedan (1992-98) | 318is Coupe (1992-97)
325i Sedan (1992-95) | 325is Coupe (1992-95)
328i Sedan (1996-98) | 328is Coupe (1996-99)
M3 (1997-99) | M3 Coupe (1995-96)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 18.50

318i Coupe (1992-93, 1998) | 318is Coupe (1992-97)
325i Coupe (1992-93) | 325is Coupe (1992-95)
328is Coupe (1996-99) | M3 Coupe (1995-97)


$ 16.75

$ 15.23

- 318i Convertible (1994-97)
- 325i Convertible (1994-95)
- 328i Convertible (1996-99)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 11.25

- 318i Convertible (1994-97)
- 325i Convertible (1994-95)
- 328i Convertible (1996-99)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 75.07

$ 59.77

- 318i Convertible (1994-97)
- 325i Convertible (1994-95)
- 328i Convertible (1996-99)

(2 per car, sold individually)

Additional products related to Bumpers, Doors, Latches & Lids for your BMW 3-Series E36 (1992-1999) :