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BMW 3-Series E46 (1999-2006) Bumpers, Doors, Latches & Lids - Hood Stop Buffers
Hood Stop Buffers
Hood stop buffers provide a rubber isolation between the hood and the vehicle's frame.

$ 7.90

$ 6.54

- 323Ci and 328Ci (2000)
- 323i and 328i (1999-00)
- 325Ci, 330Ci and M3 (2001-06)
- 325i, 325xi, 330i and 330xi (2001-05)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 10.00

- 323Ci and 328Ci (2000)
- 323i and 328i (1999-00)
- 325Ci, 330Ci and M3 (2001-06)
- 325i, 325xi, 330i and 330xi (2001-05)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 10.56

$ 8.81

- 323Ci and 328Ci (2000)
- 325Ci, 330Ci and M3 (2001-06)

$ 10.56

$ 8.81

- 323Ci and 328Ci (2000)
- 325Ci, 330Ci and M3 (2001-06)


$ 1.23

$ 1.06

- 323Ci and 328Ci (2000)
- 323i and 328i (1999-00)
- 325Ci, 330Ci and M3 (2001-06)
- 325i, 325xi, 330i and 330xi (2001-05)

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