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BMW 1600, 2002 (1967-1976) Seals & Weatherstripping - Windshield Seals and Moulding
Windshield Seals and Moulding
Tired of getting wet every time it rains or is there too much wind noise from your windshield? It might be time to replace your seals. New seals and moulding help reduce vibration to the windshield and make a weather tight seal. You should replace the seal every time you replace the windshield.

$ 70.75

- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 1600ti Coupe (1968)
- 1802 Coupe (1967-74)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

Note: Front or Rear.

$ 65.25

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)


$ 271.28

$ 259.69

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

$ 73.25

- 1600 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

$ 275.25

- 1600 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

$ 349.00

- 1600 Coupe (1968-71)
- 2002 Coupe (1968-76)

$ 34.57

$ 31.25

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

(2 per car, sold individually)

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