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BMW 1600, 2002 (1967-1976) Oil Circulation - Oil Pumps and Parts
Oil Pumps and Parts
If you have got to the point in your job where you are actually holding your oil pump in your hands, if so, you should send it out for a professional inspection of the flow rate and pressure. The oil pump is responsible for the recirculation of the engine oil and is crucial to the success and life of your engine. Also always replace all the pumps o-rings, seals, gaskets and hardware while you are in there.

$ 16.75

- 1602 Coupe (1967-71) from Ch# 1567535
- 2002 Coupe (1967-76) From Chassis # 1644499.
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)


No Longer Available

- 1602 Coupe (1967-71) from Ch# 1567535
- 2002 Coupe (1967-76) From Chassis # 1644499.
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

$ 8.03

$ 6.74

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 67.34

$ 60.74

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

Additional products related to Oil Circulation for your BMW 1600, 2002 (1967-1976) :