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BMW 1600, 2002 (1967-1976) Axles, Bearings & Differential - Differential Parts
Differential Parts
This section contains the parts necessary to service or repair your differential.

$ 27.82

- 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

$ 6.02

$ 5.28

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)


$ 26.99

1600 Touring Coupe (1971) | 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
1600ti Coupe (1968) | 1802 Coupe (1967-74)
2002tii Coupe (1971-74)


$ 4.75

- 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)


$ 50.50

- 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 70.22

$ 65.64

- 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 39.00

- 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

Note: Sold as a pair, 2 Pairs required per car.


$ 45.00

- 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

$ 45.00

- 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

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