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BMW 1600, 2002 (1967-1976) Radiators
Besides the fluid the radiator is the most important part of your cooling system. The radiator cycles the hot fluid or coolant from the engine block to dissipate the heat. Radiators work under extreme heat and pressure and can corrode and fail over time. They are usually mounted where air can easily flow through them and this can also cause road debris to cause punctures. Radiators should be checked and flushed according to your owner's manual.

$ 129.99

1600 Touring Coupe (1971) | 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
1600ti Coupe (1968) | 1802 Coupe (1967-74)
2002tii Coupe (1971-74)


$ 14.95

1600 Touring Coupe (1971) | 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
1600ti Coupe (1968) | 1802 Coupe (1967-74)
2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

Note: Straighten radiator, condenser or intercooler fins.

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