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BMW 6-Series E24 (1977-1989) Automatic Transmission - Linkage and Cables
Automatic Transmission Shift Linkage and Cables
Can't find the gear you want? The transmission shifter linkage transfer the gear selections made by the driver to the transmission.

$ 19.59

$ 16.44

- 633CSi Coupe (1978-84)
- 635CSi Coupe (1985-89)

$ 29.98

$ 25.17

- 633CSi Coupe (1978-84)
- 635CSi Coupe (1985-89)

Note: From 9/1977 to 4/1989 Only.

$ 29.25

- 633CSi Coupe (1984)
- 635CSi Coupe (1985-89)

Note: 4HP22, Automatic Transmission

$ 214.27

$ 189.13

- 633CSi Coupe (1984)
- 635CSi Coupe (1985-89)

Note: 4HP22, Automatic Transmission

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