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BMW Z4 E85 (2003-2008) Bumpers, Doors, Latches & Lids - Trunk Lids
Trunk Lids
Dropped too many things on your trunk over the years and thinking about replacing it? Pelican has new trunk lids but are WILL CALL only.

$ 7.90

$ 6.54

- Z4 Coupe 3.0si and Z4 M Coupe Coupe (2006-08)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 10.00

- Z4 Coupe 3.0si and Z4 M Coupe Coupe (2006-08)

(2 per car, sold individually)

$ 0.79

$ 0.57

- Z4 2.5i, Z4 3.0i, Z4 M Roadster and Z4 Roadster 3.0si Convertible (2003-08)

Additional products related to Bumpers, Doors, Latches & Lids for your BMW Z4 E85 (2003-2008) :