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BMW 1600, 2002 (1967-1976) Cylinder Head & Valvetrain - Exhaust Manifold
Exhaust Manifold
The exhaust manifold brings the exhaust gases from multiple cylinders into one pipe. Each manifold is designed to work with the engine's back pressure and upgrading to headers is a common performance upgrade.

$ 1.63

$ 1.16

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

(8 per car, sold individually)

$ 8.03

$ 7.25

- 1600 Touring Coupe (1971)
- 1600, 1602 and 2002 Coupe (1967-76)
- 2002tii Coupe (1971-74)

(3 per car, sold individually)

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